Sunday, April 27, 2014


Wow 5 months away from blogging.  

So what's new. On the 27/09/2014 it will be the 5777 year in the Jewish calendar. 5 is a human number and 7 the divine. 7 three times is the Trinity. Make of it what you will.

 On another plane, there are I think 4 quarters to every situation in life. If you picture a window divided into 4 equal sections and at the top left corner is the Yes/Yes outcome, the top right corner is the Yes/No section, the lower left quadrant is the No/Yes sector and finally in the bottom right corner we have the No/No portion.
Now feed a situation into the quadrants for example, 'Getting away with your outrageous teenage years.' Our youth is the only time in our life that we can do this. After 25 you have to settle down, you cant go back and no teenager wants to be outrageous with an older 20 or 30 year old. So Be outrageous in your teens and get away with it = Yes Yes. Be outrageous in your teens and get busted, disabled, damage someone or get caught = Yes No.  A person who doesn't want to be outrageous in their teens and doesn't feel they have missed out = No Yes. Finally their is the person who wants to be outrageous in their teens but is repressed, checked up on, smothered and regulated but who in later years regrets not having been outrageous and is now to old to be well that is the saddest case of all and =  No No.  Bad news. Choose wisely how you live your teens and hopefully you will have the warm glow that comes with remembering those glory days and the knowledge that Yes Yes, I was outrageous and got away with it.