Saturday, December 29, 2018

Another Year I Did Not Give My All

Another year another burnt log
Halcyon calcium butterscotch fog
Somnolent we bomb the cement
Our globular throng is all but spent

For now a diamond pronged defense
my ripened wrong away is scent
A global event so evensong went
to lunch then at Woodend.

Women are balloonesque
Men thus iron or wood
others more driftwoodish
as women need to be needed
and some men wish they could.

We have poor arguments in the park
then lay on whispers after dark.
Buttercup spray on a lamington day
Tiresome cells might sell you some hells
in a rough angelic way.

The road to Mount by sodium
has honeycomb and crunch
Then all the way to Melbourne town
The yellow vice and such.