I know without knowing. Marriage is like two wheels on an axle. Both going forward. Sometimes one slips and the other takes up the traction. Sometimes one jumps the curb sprung into midair and the other bears the weight. Sometimes one is on the tarmac and the other is offroad. At times both wheels skid and then God takes the wheel. And then there are those times when the wheels are at rest and connect with each other.
I know without knowing. I got soul but I'm not a soldier. It's easy for me I wasn't born a fighter. More a drifter. Passive. Not a conscientious objector but an unmotivated objector. If I was in a war I could never kill. I would look at the other man and say kill me so I don't have to kill you. When one man kills another he kills a part of himself. No anger no fury no rage could make me do that to you or myself. They say those who are not afraid of death are not attached to life.
I know without knowing. I that am I. Go away from me. Relentless. Attach and drift. Drift and attach. A lack and a rift. A riff and a lass. It's not who you know. It's not what you know. It's how long you can hang on by your fingernails.
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