Thursday, December 18, 2008

Closed for cleaning.

A prayer for Penelope. A portrait in passion. I love you.

Keep the thoughts coming and we will talk next year.

In these times of fewer opportunities, less leaps of faith, reduced entrepreneurism, reductions in confidence and a descending conservatism on a generation that has not experienced a recession, I will have mercy on you. That's the difference.

For those who think in the shower, ideas sprout and feed on water like water feeding the plants. Drenched in the memory of those reclaimed atoms pelting our skin and skinning our pelts, absorbed into streams of sexy oxygen that migrate to the brain case and seed the axons with axioms and shudder onto our screen based lobes to act as bulbs for flowers of concepts and septums of conceit. And that's how I plan my day.

For Miss Charlotte Bronte.

Life seems easier when seen through a blur.

The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter -
often an unconscious, but still a truthful interpreter - in the eye.

The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed;
The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The unfurled world

People create distance.

Distinct extinct extant distance.

If only there was clarity. I can't hear your words. I can't think as quickly. I can't see without help and then I'm not seeing. I can't tassste. I am hard and numb. It's alright to be sad. Shaking the hands of people helps. Is it social ambition or energy being given to me? Does it wake anyone up? Why do I sit? I am sick. Get comfortable and see lots of red. Fear of embarrassment makes me move. There is a person behind me in black. Praying for me? Flat for how long? I know this will change. Clarity will fade with age. Stretch out my arms. Children to look after. God of heaven and earth. You know how I am Lord. Old, sad, jaded, sick. Make me feel better Don't embarrass me into changing. Change me with grace. Here I am telling you how to help me. You never change. Quiet voice. Quite. Quiet but deadly.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How to be a newcomer

I know without knowing. Marriage is like two wheels on an axle. Both going forward. Sometimes one slips and the other takes up the traction. Sometimes one jumps the curb sprung into midair and the other bears the weight. Sometimes one is on the tarmac and the other is offroad. At times both wheels skid and then God takes the wheel. And then there are those times when the wheels are at rest and connect with each other.

I know without knowing. I got soul but I'm not a soldier. It's easy for me I wasn't born a fighter. More a drifter. Passive. Not a conscientious objector but an unmotivated objector. If I was in a war I could never kill. I would look at the other man and say kill me so I don't have to kill you. When one man kills another he kills a part of himself. No anger no fury no rage could make me do that to you or myself. They say those who are not afraid of death are not attached to life.

I know without knowing. I that am I. Go away from me. Relentless. Attach and drift. Drift and attach. A lack and a rift. A riff and a lass. It's not who you know. It's not what you know. It's how long you can hang on by your fingernails.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Here endeth.

A prayer for Brian. A portrait in pleasing.

I asked for pasta not plaster.
Almost poetic.

Leaf blowers in the wind.
Cursing persons per their sins.
Black bands in the sun.
White tendrils for everyone.
I don't want to hear 12000 songs on my personal music device today.
Flat line my upsize.
Fat lines my eyes and thighs.
Economise my digit size.
Land of plenty cannabalised.
Camera eyes can realise.
And senoritas rise and sigh as pounds of butter flutter by.
Cease. Be steady. Ready. Give.
Live your life that you might live.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mighty blitherings

A prayer for Catherine. A portrait of thought.

Flick chick.
Chick flick.
Chicky wah wah.
Minnie ha ha.

As God allows us to so we must live.

Have you ever thought that the fact scavengers exist and continue to thrive is that God provides abundantly and has thought of our every desire. We eat more than we need therefore more is produced than needs to be consumed. Begin the deprofusion strain. Bend back the exponential curve and bask in that baseline buzz. No thought no negative emotion. An ocean of bliss aside a shore of ecstatic flatness. A rejection of choice storms and fatness factories.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Technicolour cows.

The cows go wild.
The cowed go wild.
The celts go wild.
The kelp goes wild.
The wild is crowded.
The joker's wild.
And the crown is wired.
Obviously an original.
The origin of quality.